Monday, July 24, 2017


Another very quick was the first of what will be twice yearly mammograms for a while. This one included blood work and my first bone density test just for fun. Those were quick and easy but the mammogram took a lot longer than usual and I had to go back for another squishy view - after a very long wait - which made me just a little uneasy - while I waited yet again. But the wait was worth it, I was able to see the radiologist and get a clean bill of health on the spot! No new cancer was found!

I'm so very thankful and relieved. This afternoon the doctor and I discussed how fortunate I was to have the team I did and I am so aware of that. His own wife had had the very same team when she went through her breast cancer journey so he got it. So many blessings occurred during this trying time and I won't forget them. And so many prayers by so many faithful loved ones sustained me along with the calls and cards and so much love.

Later this week I'll see Dr. G, my oncologist, for a brief check in and the bone density results. My understanding is the results of the bone density test will be used as a baseline. The medication I start in September can impact bone density so that will be monitored throughout the duration of the medication.

So there won't likely be updates for a while because there really won't be much to report. This time between radiation and medication has been good. I'm healing nicely, have my energy back and even enjoyed a little drive up to Maine with Chris for a beautiful family wedding which is where this photo was taken. He's been so amazing and so positive and my rock through all of this.

But it hasn't been all good news - about ten days ago I lost a dear friend to breast cancer. A young, beautiful, funny, caring wife and mother. I hope you ladies I care so much about will get your mammograms. I had no symptoms and just went in for a routine appointment when my was found. I don't want to scare anyone but I sure don't want to lose anyone.

