Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Captain of My Ship.....

Chris and I saw Dr. G. last night for my treatment plan. We do get a little punchy sitting in waiting rooms together.

At the end of my post op earlier this month with my surgeon, Dr. C., she appointed Dr. G. the new captain of my ship and I'm thankful he is. He has taken and is taking care of people I love.

He was pleased with my Oncotype score and was adamant that chemotherapy would be of no benefit in my situation. That felt great.

He then went on to give us a crash course in some of the current clinicals and so, so many statistics. It was a little mind numbing but the purpose was to show us why my treatment would be as it is.

Dr. G. referred me to a radiologist who will be administering my radiation. He is hopeful I will have a four week long treatment period - once per day each week day for four weeks. Dr. S. will make the final decision. Praying friends, four weeks is my hope!

So now it's time to wait for radiation to get started. I won't see Captain G. for about eight weeks when we'll move onto medication.

And praying friends, some traveling mercies for Chris and he flies to visit his family would be much appreciated.

All my love,

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely adorable photo of you two! Sending love, hugs, good wishes, and prayers on all! xo,
