Monday, February 27, 2017

Overwhelming Love

Since my last post I have been completely overwhelmed and touched beyond words by the love, prayers, gifts, beach trips, flowers, visits, cards, calls and scriptures that have been bestowed upon me.

Beyond beautiful February weather meant a Saturday at the beach with Marc, Marie and Aiden. They know my happy place and got me there as quickly as they could. And three days ago Gabby, Evan and Olive gave me another perfect beach day with special friends joining us and a precious baby to hold while watching the big kids play. February in North Carolina?? It's good to be ChaCha.

Chris has been such a rock. Always calm, cool and collected even with plumbing and car issues that have popped up these last couple of weeks, he hasn't let anything bother him. Joe, especially has been a kick - we cope with humor and that has helped. The offers of help and texts just to see how we are doing have meant everything.

So the radioactive seeding has been done and I can report that my left breast is not glowing. I'm as ready for surgery as I'm going to be and snacking and drinking water as late as I can because after midnight I'm cut off.

If  you pray, I wouldn't mind some prayers for peace and for my amazing doctors and maybe about that whole no food or coffee thing before surgery.

All my love and thanks to all of you.


  1. Sending all good things to my sister, Kath! <3

    1. Your continued, amazing love and support has been amazing! <3

  2. Praying and sending tons of love and support, Kathryn! xoxo,

  3. Praying for you Kathryn and this procedure. Thanking God they found this so early! May you feel the prayers of your friends and family and a sweet peace from God!

  4. sending love, hugs, and joining all while praying for you

  5. Sending our love and prayers always!!!!!! Oscar and Cynthia
