Friday, February 10, 2017

The Club No One Wants to Join.....

On February 7th I learned I have breast cancer. My radiologist opened with "I have some good news and some bad news...." The good news is that the tumor is small. Just 1.2 centimeters.

It was a relief to learn that I could expect only a lumpectomy, radiation and tamoxifen. While a relief, it was still a shock and it's taken a couple of days to absorb the information, make appointments with all my new doctors and figure an easy for everyone way to keep everyone in the loop. This blog should do it.

This morning we met with my surgeon and was blown away by by how amazing the entire office was, let alone the surgeon herself. We had a thorough explanation of my situation and how to proceed.

Monday we'll do a contrast MRI. Tuesday we meet my oncologist. Shortly after that we'll have a quick visit where I will get a radiation seed implanted which will help guide the surgeon to the lump.  I have been assured my left breast will not glow from said radiation.

I'll let you know for sure in my next post.


  1. Kath - I am with you all the way - prayers your way. Sending love and hugs.

  2. We are sad to say welcome to Al's club. Prayers are a given, please let us know how best to show you our love and support.

    1. Thank you Cindy. Praying for Al and all of you. <3

  3. xoxoxo ChaCha!! Prayers and strength coming your way

  4. Ah! You have been on my heart for the last several months; I have been asking God to bless my Instagram friend "chacha" as I call you to Him. I'll be cheering you guys on from here in the mitten, wishing I could bring you a pot of soup and gluten free treats. <3 Tomi- I absolutely love the blog name:)

  5. Oh Tomi! What a blessing to my heart you are! Your prayers have been answered. My situation is truly a blessing because we found it so early. Who would guess that Instagram played a part? Thanking God for that but most of all you! xoxo

  6. I'm with you in love, friendship and SPirit xoxox God Bless you and your family, friends, doctors, and nurses xoxo
